The Road to Competition

Intent to Compete Form

Due November 1, 2024

The information collected on the Intent to Compete Form will be used to determine which contests will be held at both the Regional and State Conference levels. It is extremely important to indicate all contests you and/or your school would like to participate in. Not all contests are guaranteed to be offered at the Regional or State Conference level.

Check with your lead advisor at your school to see if you should submit it for just your program, or if they will be submitting the information for the entire school.

Submit Membership

Due January 15, 2025 or prior to registering for any conference

All students must be a registered member prior to being registered for any conference or competition.

Once submitted, the chapter is responsible for paying the balance due on the invoice, even if a student drops out of your program. Changes and substitutions are not allowed; membership is non-transferable and non-refundable. You may add members at any time.

Membership does not include conference or competition registration.

Register for Regional Competition

Due January 23, 2025

All students are required to compete at the Regional level to qualify for the State Conference competition.

All registrations must be made through the online portal prior to the posted deadline. Participants that have not registered online will be invoiced the registration fee plus a late fee.

Check with your Regional Representative for contest dates.

Be sure to download the Contest Technical Standards (accessible by Advisors with submitted professional membership who can then give their students access). AND ALSO the Michigan Contest Guidelines for complete information for planning and prepping for competition.


Submit the Direct to State Form

Due February 15, 2025

If your Region is not holding competition for a specific contest, submit a Direct to State form for each contestant/team, so we may effectively plan the State Conference competition.

Failure to complete the form by the deadline will result in your students not being allowed to compete at the State Conference.

Register for the State Leadership and Skills Conference

Due March 19, 2025

Complete information on the conference will be posted in February.

All conference attendees must stay at one of our official conference hotels. Commuting is not allowed for safety.

Online testing will be held from March 27-April 7, 2025. 

Competition for some events may be held prior to the State Conference.

Be sure to download the Contest Technical Standards (accessible by Advisors with submitted professional membership who can then give their students access). AND ALSO the Michigan Contest Guidelines for complete information for planning and prepping for competition.

Register for the National Leadership and Skills Conference

Due May 5, 2025

Complete information on the conference will be handed out at the State Conference, and also posted in April. 

Be sure to download the Contest Technical Standards (accessible by Advisors with submitted professional membership who can then give their students access). AND ALSO check the SkillsUSA Contest Updates page for planning and prepping for competition.