SkillsUSA Michigan is Developing the Next Generation of World-Class Champions at Work

4500+ Members

90 Chapters

90+ Skilled and Leadership Competitions

Student in class at skills training workshop in Michigan
Skills training working with technology

Michigan needs a world-class, skilled workforce to lead in global innovation, ensure future economic growth and fill the workforce needs that fuel our state’s economy.

If you’re a member of a skilled trades industry, you’re all too familiar with the skills gap that’s impacting your industry daily. As a SkillsUSA Michigan partner, you have a hand in developing the pipeline of skilled individuals that will help fuel your business and industry. 

Partner with SkillsUSA to empower students to become skills professionals, career-ready leaders and responsible community members. 



Every student possesses the untapped potential to excel and innovate.

Our local, state and national programs, plus our partnerships with industry trailblazers and our annual competitions provide students real-world experiences and skill development opportunities that build a foundation for students to thrive.

Engage with SkillsUSA Michigan

Students, teachers, parents, and business partners can join forces with SkillsUSA Michigan to access a wealth of resources, programs, and collaborative opportunities. Get involved in local, state, and national events, build connections within the community, and benefit from expert guidance.

Cultivate Skills and Connections

Students can participate in hands-on training programs, workshops, and competitions to sharpen their technical, leadership, and teamwork skills. Teachers can enhance their curricula with industry-aligned content. Parents and business partners support skill development and connect with a network of professionals.

Shape Michigan’s Future Workforce

Together, we can empower students to achieve career success and contribute to a highly skilled workforce. Leverage the SkillsUSA Michigan experience, professional network, and practical skill development to create a brighter future for students, communities, and industries.
