Empower your students to be world-class workers, leaders, and responsible citizens.

Get all the support and resources you need to help your students thrive.

Mechanical training at Skills Training in Michigan
Advisors at trade skills training conference in Michigan
Conference winners at trade skills conference at SkillsUSA

As teachers and advisors, you are true heroes, and the countless hours you selflessly devote to the success of your students is just one of many examples of that heroism in action.

So, with already-heavy schedules, what inspires tens of thousands of teachers and advisors to join SkillsUSA each year as professional members?

The answer is simple: SkillsUSA isn’t an “add-on” to what you do — We’re an ally.

Through SkillsUSA, instructors enhance their curriculum, network and partner with industry, access transformative professional development, gain opportunities for state and national recognition, lead their students through industry-created competition experiences (on the local, state and national levels), serve their communities, connect the classroom to the real world and (believe it or not) more!

Best of all, you’ll be supported every step of the way through curated content, tools and resources that are easy to implement in any learning environment. You’ll be part of a nationwide network of students, teachers and industry that’s committed to your ongoing success and the success of your students.

Prepare Your Students to Be Career Ready

Transform Your Students’ Education

Strengthen Michigan’s Workforce

Connect with SkillsUSA Michigan

Find out more about implementing our programming in your classroom.

Grow or Start a Chapter

Join the chapter at your school, or start a new chapter if SkillsUSA Michigan isn’t at your school.

Shape the Future

Begin implementing the curriculum and changing your students’ futures.

Students at skills training conference winning with SkillsUSA




Access the SkillsUSA Membership Kit that’s right for you. Through the kit, you’ll discover all the details about how to join, your professional member benefits and more.

Advisor Training and Professional Development Opportunities

  • Advisor Zoom Series

  • New Advisor In-Service

  • Fall Leadership Conference

Access Resources and Forms